元智大學工程學院英語學士班誠徵教師 【Faculty Positions in International Bachelor Program in Engineering Yuan Ze University, Taiwan】


元智大學工程學院英語學士班 誠徵教師





五、應微方式:採隨到隨審方式,意者請備妥下列文件,於11321日前 (郵戳為憑),寄至:
桃園市中壢區遠東路135 元智大學工程學院英語學士班(R70201)


1.  填寫「元智大學工程學院英語學士班徵聘教師基本資料表」word

2.  個人履歷與自傳(含大學以上詳細學經歷及專長)

3.  最高學歷畢業證書影本【凡持國外學歷者,請繳交經駐外單位驗證過之畢業證書】。

4.  最高學歷成績單影本【凡持國外學歷者,請繳交經駐外單位驗證過之成績單】。

5.  具教師資格證書者,請繳交證書影本。

6.  最高學位論文(請提供博士論文正本)

7.  著作清單。

8.  研究計畫清單。

9.  推薦函2(請提供推薦人及其聯絡資料)

10.     可任教科目(有任教經驗者,請附教學評量)

11.   其他有助瞭解申請者的背景資料(如得獎、證照等)


電話:(03)4638800 分機2543  張馨文秘書





Faculty Positions in

International Bachelor Program in Engineering

Yuan Ze University, Taiwan


Position: assistant professor or above

Application deadline: February 1, 2024

Starting date of employment: August 1, 2024

Qualification for Candidates:

(1) Ph.D. degree.

(2) Research fields in green technology or smart manufacturing of “Chemical Engineering and Materials Science”.

Please send the following documents to the Bachelor Program in Engineering, Yuan Ze University at R70201, 135 Yuan-Tung Road, Chung-Li Dist., Taoyuan City, 32003, Taiwan before Feb. 1, 2023

Applications should include all of the following:

1.    Fill in the document with basic information in the attached.

2.    Curriculum vitae and Autobiography

3.    Photocopy of the degree diplomas. If applicants received a degree from a foreign university, this diploma is required to be notarized by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office. If the applicant is current a PhD student, please submit a letter offered by the PhD adviser to describe the applicant’s studies and the expected date of graduation.)

4.    Photocopy of the transcripts for the applicant receiving a degree from a foreign university, and transcripts must be notarized by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office)

5.    Photocopy of teaching certificate (if available)

6.    Doctoral dissertation and certificate

7.    Publication list (including journal information)

8.    Research interests (including research plans)

9.    Two letters of recommendation (including contact information)

10. Teaching plans (including course outlines and any support information for the ability to teach in English)

11. Supplement materials to demonstrate the applicant’s accomplishments (optional)

For further information, please contact

Secretary: Ms. Chang, Hisn-Wen

Phone: 886-3-4638800 ext. ext. 2543

E-mail: brendachang@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

Website: https://www.de.yzu.edu.tw/
